
Explore life’s biggest questions!

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions where people can freely explore the basics of the Christian faith. Over 10 weeks, each session starts with food, followed by a talk and small group discussion. This is an opportunity where you can share anything you like and explore the meaning of life and faith.

What happens?


18 Sept - Week 1: Is there More to Life Than This?

25 Sept  - Week 2: Who is Jesus?

02 Oct - Week 3: Why Did Jesus Die?

09 Oct - Week 4: How Can I Have Faith?

16 Oct - Week 5: Why and How Can I Pray?

23 Oct - Week 6: Why and How Should I Read the Bible?

26 & 27 Oct: Alpha Weekend Away

30 Oct - Week 7: How Does God Guide Us?

06 Nov - Week 8: How Can I Resist Evil?

13 Nov - Week 9: Does God Heal?

20 Nov - Week 10: What about the Church?

Dates: 18 September - 13 November 2024 (every Wednesday)

Time: 7:00pm - 9:30pm (Dinner is served)

Location: HTK Church